Food Plot Supplies

Food Plot Supplies

Crush Soybean Blend

Give deer the beans they crave! Plant Crush Pro Bean Blend in the spring for your next killer food plot. Beans are high in protein and offer crucial health and antler boosting nutrients. A blend of 5 different soybean varieties with maturties from 1.3 to 6.0.

Plant in: Spring


Summer Crush

Contains 8 seed varieties and provides a wide diversity of blend and varying maturity to attract more whitetails. Handles summer browse extremely well.

Plant in: Spring


Perfect 10

The Perfect 10™ is your ultimate food plot solution, combining 10 of the most preferred forages for white-tailed deer. This all-in-one blend was formulated specifically for use on Lee and Tiffany’s personal hunting grounds, using 10 of their favorite seed varieties. Diversity and longevity are what makes this mix attractive to deer from the first day of the season to the last!


BLEND CONTENTS: Forage Winter Wheat, Rye Grain, Forage Oats, Winter Peas, Crimson Clover, Ani-Crush™ Radish, Forage Collards, Ani-Crush™ Turnip, Ani-Crush™ Sugar Beets, and Rape

Plant in: Fall


Brassica Blend

Brassicas make the best fall kill plots! So, planting CRUSH® Seeds of Science™ Pro Brassica Blend for late season whitetail attraction is a no-brainer. We combined Lee and Tiffany’s most trusted and preferred brassica varieties to create food plots that maximize tonnage and protein levels, while enduring extreme temperatures and drought tolerance. It’s a real showstopper!


Blend Contents: New Zealand Brassicas, Forage Collards, Ani-Crush™ Turnip, Ani-Crush™ Radish, and Forage Rape

Plant in: Fall


Caveman Blend

CRUSH® SEEDS OF SCIENCE™ Caveman Blend™ is a killer food plot mix, so easy to grow, even a caveman can do it! Nothing is more frustrating than planting a food plot that never grows. This easy-start, quick-growing blend helps those of us, who despite our good efforts, struggle to establish a usable food plot. The easy, no-till formula, gives you a ready-to-hunt green food source in as little as 2-3 weeks, making it a great late summer/early fall plant.


Blend Contents: Crimson Clover, Forage Turnips, Rape, and Ryegrass

Plant in: Fall


Pro Sugar Beets

Create a field of nature’s candy and offer your deer amazing late season attraction with CRUSH® Seeds of Science™ Pro Sugar Beets. This killer blend is a result of years of research and extensive testing, resulting in a tempting mix that deer can’t resist.  Sugar beets, premium brassicas, and superior clover varieties make this easily established food plot a Lakosky favorite.  The exceptionally high sugar content of these premium sugar beets maximizes attraction and palatability; making this an irresistible sweet treat for whitetails!


Blend Contents: Ani-Crush™ Sugar Beets, Select Clovers, and New Zealand Brassicas

Plant in: Spring


Pro Clover

Grow incredible, lush recruitment plots that withstand heavy grazing pressure with CRUSH® Seeds of Science™ Clover Plus Alfalfa. This high protein, high forage mix contains the best perennial varieties preferred by white-tailed deer! After years of extensive testing and research, the Ani-Crush™ team developed what we call the perfect blend of premium clover and alfalfa. Different maturity times, means there will always be a preferred, ready-to-eat option for your deer herd.


Blend Contents:  Creeping Alfalfa, Yellow-Blossom Alfalfa, Ani-Crush™ White and Red Clovers, Select White Clovers, and Crimson Clover

Plant in: Spring/Fall


Clover Plus Alfalfa

Put the knowledge and expertise of the pros to work in your food plot with CRUSH®️ Seeds of Science™️ Pro Clover. After years of testing and research, the Ani-Crush™️ team was able to develop what we call the perfect blend of clover varieties. Diversity of this blend maximizes forage biomass and protein content, supporting herd health and antler growth; making it the perfect choice for kill plots. These long-lasting perennials survive up to 5 seasons; going the extra mile for all season attraction!


Blend Contents: Ani-Crush™ White and Red Clovers, Select White Clovers, Balansa Clover, and Crimson Clover

Plant in: Spring/Fall


Holy Clover

Searching for an alternative to regular clover plots? Up your hunting game and spice up your food plots with this unique blend of CRUSH® Seeds of Science™ Holy Clover, special alfalfas and premium clover varieties.  Diversity and alternating maturity levels give deer available, preferred food options throughout the season. This food plot mix offers extreme drought tolerance, grazing resilience, and high protein content; giving you a food plot that is nutritious, delicious, and has incredible attraction! 


Blend Contents: Sainfoin, Yellow-Blossom Alfalfa, Ani-Crush™ White and Red Clovers, and Creeping Alfalfa

Plant in: Spring/Fall


Fixin' Clover

Ever wish you could plant a food plot in the spring that could enhance your soil and fix nitrogen levels for your fall-planted plot?  With four different annual clovers, CRUSH® Seeds of Science™ Fixin’ Clover™ is quick to germ and helps to reduce weed competition during the spring and summer, while building a valuable source of green fertilizer by way of roots that fixate nitrogen.  Speed of germination, maximized forage biomass and nitrogen fixation, support soil health, and antler growth; making it the perfect choice for serious food plotters.

Blend Contents: Arrowleaf Clover, Balansa Clover, Berseem Clover, and Crimson Clover

Plant in: Spring/Fall


Amazin' Grains

Grow an incredibly lush, huntable green field in as little as three weeks with CRUSH® Seeds of Science™ Amazin’ Grains™ Food Plot Mix from Ani-Logics Outdoors®. This premium combination of forage winter wheat, forage oats, winter triticale, and winter peas gives deer ample forage to keep them coming back for more.  This all-in-one forage blend was formulated to withstand heavy grazing pressure and was designed specifically for use on Lee and Tiffany’s personal hunting grounds, using four of their favorite annual seed varieties.  Amazingly, this blend can be hunted over within three weeks of planting! Fast germination, incredible attraction, and exceptional grazing tolerance make this mix an irresistible, instant green source for your deer herd!


Blend Contents: Forage Winter Wheat, Forage Oats, Winter Triticale, Rye Grain, and Winter Peas

Plant in: Fall


Gen-2 Soybean Blend

Many experienced land managers consider soybeans to be the best crop to grow in their plots. Soybeans can provide a high quality food source to the deer on your property for the majority of the year. Deer will start browsing on soybeans as soon as they germinate and continue feeding on them through the entire growing season. Once the soybean plants have matured, deer will feed off the soybean grain inside the pods.

Giant Miscanthus

MAKE NO MISTAKE, REAL WORLD GIANT MISCANTHUS IS DIFFERENT THAN OTHER MISCANTHUS! It gets as tall as any other miscanthus but has more leaf for better screening. Dare to Compare! Miscanthus is a woody perennial grass native to Asia that typically grows to heights of 12’ plus. It produces bamboo-like stalks which average 3/8” in diameter. It is a non-invasive grass that does NOT produce viable seeds. For best results plant 3-5 rows spaced 24″ apart and 18-24″ between each rhizome. 


Real World variety switch grass is the same switch grass that we use in our Bedding-In-A-Bag. In our side by side tests this switch grass stood better than any other variety we tested including the popular Cave-In-Rock variety. Real World Switch Grass will get 7’-8’ tall. 

If you are looking for any other Real World products please contact us!

Covert Plot Screen

“COVERT” is a specific blend of annual grains and grasses designed to create 9′-12′ tall screen with the “back-bone” to stand thru extreme weather conditions completely covering up any desired plot from roads, neighbors, other plots etc. Also used to create pinch points or travel corridors to put whitetails right where you want them!

Buckstop Forage Oats

“BUCKSTOP” oats is  a very hardy forage oat with a good lodging score  that has excellent emergence and is super attractive to whitetails in it’s infant stage. 

    This variety is also our go-to variety when nursing in a new stand of clover, alfalfa, etc. that needs that quick and vital protection and weed suppression  as it’s being established. 

     When planted as a stand alone product in the fall,  Buckstop oats is sure to stop them in their tracks  every time!

    ( For best results 48lb  per acre when blended or 96lb stand alone)

Round-Up Corn

Austrian Winter Peas


Japanese Millet

Peredovik Sunflowers

Winter Wheat

MaxCal Lime

MaxCal Lime - 50lb. bag


Created to immeadiatly correct soil pH and deliver nutrients directly to the roots system in wildlife food plots & habitat!


 MAXCAL PLUS  is a great tool for efficient soil pH adjustment within the

season it’s applied. As summer progresses, plants may need an

immediate fix to ensure they grow to their full potential.

With MAXCAL PLUS, pH adjustment occurs in just 6 – 8 weeks if not sooner. This

supports prime growing conditions during the peak of this season,

allowing plants need to absorb nutrients efficiently, and grow a health microbiome.


A key factor in plant growth is soil health, and if soil is lacking in

important nutrients like calcium, plants may not be primed to thrive

MAXCAL PLUS combines highly available calcium (which is essential

to plant success), and a robust package of pharmaceutical-grade

biologicals that have been hand selected to aid in making stored and

applied nutrients into a plant-available form.


MAXCAL PLUS, an enhanced calcium soil amendment, is designed to

improve soil health and promote plant growth.

The fine grind of limestone prior to pelletizing ensures that MAXCAL PLUS

 is immediately available for plant health and drives rapid pH


Applications of MAXCAL PLUS deliver many benefits:

-Improved root development and overall plant growth.

-Increased nutrient availability.

-Fast soil pH adjustment.

-Enhanced soil structure and water penetration.

-Jump-started seed establishment.


Don’t let calcium deficiencies hold plants back!

MAXCAL PLUS is a dust-free formula which is easy to apply and an ideal recommendation for a comprehensive soil management plan. The recommended application rates allow for the best results possible. 

Application Rate:

 Application rate depends on your soil test results,  but in the absence of a soil test, use the following application rates.

Apply 5 bags (250 lbs.) per acre. 

Maintaining optimum growing conditions:

Depending on soil types and densities, two applications one in

spring and one in the fall are recommended. 50lb bag covers 10,000 sq.ft.

PlotStart is a spray that provides instantly available calcium to the soil and plants. Historically, lime has been the source of calcium. However, with traditional lime taking months to activate and liquid lime only lasting a single season, PlotStart begins working the moment it touches the ground and provides available calcium for years to come. The 2.5 gallon of PlotStart will cover up to one (1) acre. PlotStart can be applied at or before planting to both tilled and untilled ground. It also can be applied to perennial plots, trees, and shrubs to give the soil and plants a needed boost.

PlotStart™ will enhance your food plots and plantings by:

• Lime equivalency rate: 2.5 gallons = 1 ton of lime
• Adjusts soil pH 3x faster than lime
• Increases plant germination
• Increases nutrient (NPK) availability for plants
• Increases calcium for seedlings

PlotBoost is a spray applied to actively growing plants to promote better growth and fertilizer uptake, greater resistance to drought, disease and insects, and increased nutrient capacity leading to healthier and bigger deer. The 2.5-gallon bottle will cover up to ten (10) acres and can be applied with hand-pump, backpack, ATV/UTV, or tractor sprayers.

PlotBoost™ will enhance your food plot and plantings by:


6-24-24 - 50lb. bag

A low nitrogen blend that is perfect for legume crops. Use this on clover/chicory plots, soybeans and other legume containing blends.

19-19-19 - 50lb. bag

A well rounded fertilizer mix, which works best on brassica, corn and most other food plot blends requiring more nitrogen. 

46-0-0- 50lb. bag

Urea is a great way to give your brassica, corn and other nitrogen loving crops a boost for added growth and tonnage. 

0-0-60 50lb. bag

We can get several other fertilizer blends upon request


Glyphosate - 2.5 Gal

Glyphosate is a safe and effective non-selective herbicide which can be applied during the spring or summer to gain control over weeds and undesired growth. It is also a safe herbicide to use on glyphosate-resistant crops such as certain corn and soybeans. 

Amine 2,4D - 2.5 Gal

Broadleaf selective herbicide. Good for use to maintain warm season grasses and miscanthus plantings.


Butyrac 200 2,4DB- 2.5 Gal

Broadleaf selective herbicide that is safe for maintaining clover and alfalfa plots


Poast - 2.5 Gal

Grass Selective herbicide – good for cleaning grass out of clover/perennial plots

Treats 13-14 acres


IMOX - Call For special quantity

An excellent BROADLEAF AND GRASS SELECTIVE herbicide used to clean out perennial and clover plots with one spraying. Saves time and money!