About FFP

Founded in 2016, FFP started as a simple concept, bring quality food plot seed blends to the hunters and land managers of the Northeast PA area. Ordering limited supplies of seed each year, ensures we can offer the freshest highest quality seed available.

Expanding little by little every year in both knowledge, experience and equipment we are able to provide those without the time or equipment the opportunity to reap the benefits of quality nutritious and attractive food plots on their own land! 


Brad Sparks

Founder / Food Plot Enthusiast

As an Optometrist by day and an obsessed deer hunter and habitat manager by night, I spend most of my free time in the off season reading about deer hunting, food plotting and deer habitat management. With a background in Biology combined with countless hours of research and QDMAs Deer Steward I certification, I have developed a passion and slight obsession with improving the land on which I hunt. My goals as a land manager are simple. Attract and hold more deer on our property, while allowing our bucks to be healthier, thus producing larger racks and growing to greater maturity. Obviously all of this equals more fun hunting and more of a sense of accomplishment that I influenced these results.

I constantly test and refine my methods on my own land and I now want to share this knowledge and experience with others. It’s a great honor to play a role in the excitement and successes with others on their own land!