2020 Plot Work
Lime delivery and TSI
Liming a plot.
Spreading lime
More pelletized lime - Pre-CalTurf Days. Notice how many bags are there
The Cal Turf has Arrived!
Beans on beans
Spring stock up
5,000 Rhizomes of Giant Miscanthus ready to go in the ground
Spreading ag lime today
Loading the lime
Picking up more supplies!
Loaded and ready for a day full of planting
Cleaning a grown in log road
Drilling bird plots
On the move
Clipping some clover
Mowing back some clover
what a mess!
Off to no till plant a plot
Rebuilt the sprayer for more even and accurate spraying
Rolling down a terminated cover crop
Rolling cover crop
mowing some LUSH clover
Miscanthus starting to add some height
Spraying plots. No water, no problem!
Off to spray some plots
Some jobs = small sprayer
Lost a chain link
Delivering a Shadow Hunter
Breaking out the big drill today. 10' wide to lessen the damage to the soybeans we're drilling into
Loaded down with Custom fall blend
Stocked for 2021!
Frost seeding some clover plots
Frost seeding
Stocked with soybeans and mineral!!
Stocking up for 2021!!
Planting Miscanthus
No-tilling beans
Separating out Miscanthus orders
Sprayer in action
Drilling beans
Getting ready for a new plot!